The Candidate for Positive Change and Transparency!

Hello! My name is Jacob Fleming.

In case you don’t know me, here is a little bit about myself:

I am a lifelong resident of Litchfield Illinois and own a successful real estate business in downtown Litchfield, Hillsboro, and Carlinville Illinois.

My three kids all go to Litchfield schools and my wife is a teacher at the Litchfield Middle School. 

I am proud to say I was elected as an Alderman of Ward 4 two years ago.

I love this city and want to see it succeed!

My General Policies

1) Be a voice of the people! (Listen and act, not dictate and assume)

2) Support and Promote Litchfield businesses! (Less red tape and more collaboration with the city and local businesses.)

3) Grow while keeping our small-town values! (Less local government regulation = more businesses in Litchfield.)

4) It doesn’t have to be my idea to be a good idea! (Constructive feedback based on factual data will always be welcome with me.)

5) Growth through incentivizing the private sector. The city should never be a developer.


Since I was elected as an Alderman of Ward 4 two years ago many positive things have happened including and not limited to:

1) I immediately began sharing council meeting agendas and information about key votes online seeking public feedback and information. I want to seek out the opinions of the people I represent.

2) I implemented all city council meetings being recorded live and posted on a YouTube channel for all that could not make the meetings in person to see.

3) I encouraged a city referendum question to the public about UTV usage within city limits to get a true poll amongst registered voters on who was for and against their usage in city limits.

4) I helped lead the charge on the City aggressively utilize TIF funding to revitalize blighted buildings in our historic downtown while also finally holding property owner’s accountable who do not make the required repairs to buildings.

5) Helped Alderman Josh Hughes bring his dreams to life in regards to creating a Litchfield  Non-Profit Community Organization Together Litchfield Can to improve our city through volunteerism and community projects.

6) Worked closely with non-profit group Together Litchfield Can and our City Administrator to help create a Residential Subdivision TIF to bring solid middle class housing to Litchfield. A large subdivision is now in the works by the Clark extension behind St. Francis Hospital. (The First Subdivision to be developed by a private investor since the early 2000s!)

7) I have helped stop the culture of the City of Litchfield being a developer. Our job as a city is to encourage private development not fully take on projects. Eagle Ridge and the West Side Development were huge endeavors 100% done by the city. (These projects have cost taxpayers MILLIONS OF DOLLARS!) The city will not recover these losses for decades!  The days of “If we (the city) build it, they will come” are over. I need plans that involve private citizens, community organizations, and other local governing bodies all working in unison instead of just the city.

8) Encouraged the modernization of our processes and have pushed for digitization of all paper files at the city.

9) Fought for more female representation on our Economic Development Commission. I have always been one to pick candidates based on qualifications. However, over half of our great city is comprised of females many of whom are very smart business entrepreneurs. The fact that we had 0 on said commission was hurting our progress as a city. Especially since Litchfield has a large group of qualified female candidates to choose from. I am proud to say 3 highly qualified females now sit on this commission of 13 individuals.

10) No more buying vehicles and equipment outside of Litchfield whenever possible! Bidding will always be presented to local providers to be competitively bid on! Since I have been elected numerous city vehicles have been purchased right here in Litchfield!

This was all just in the last two years of me being elected to office as an Alderman. Imagine what WE can accomplish should I be blessed with the honor of representing the citizens of Litchfield as mayor. I must emphasize that I can’t take full credit for all the items listed above. Many of these actions came from everyday citizens, city employees, and working in collaboration with my colleagues on the current city council. All I did was utilize my position as a council member to help make them a reality.

A true leader listens to learn, leads to serve, and inspires to transform!

So please vote at the upcoming election on April 1, 2025.

Together we can work together to continue to ensure our future is bright!

Election Information

All information can be found at Elections & Voting – Montgomery County, Illinois

Election Day is April 1st 2025 (Polls open at 6am and close at 7pm)

Litchfield Election Day Voting Locations:

North Litchfield Precincts 1 & 4 = First Presbyterian Church, 1908 N. State St., Litchfield

North Litchfield Precincts 2 & 3 = First Baptist Church (East Entrance), 608 N. Van Buren St., Litchfield

South Litchfield Precincts 1,2,3,4 = Litchfield Community Center, 1100 S. State St., Litchfield

Early Voting Starts February 20, 2025 and Ends March 31, 2025. You can vote early in person at the Historic Courthouse in Hillsboro early from 8am-4pm and some Saturdays in March from 8-12.

There will be clearly marked "VOTE HERE" Signs on the road in the square. Address is 1 Courthouse Square, Hillsboro, IL 6049

Last Day to Register to Vote March 4, 2025.

Request a Yard Sign

Help be a part of the change! Please sign up for a Fleming for Mayor Yard Sign.